Components of HEALTH

When we talk about Health & wellness, it’s bigger than just the physical aspect, there are several other components we need to look into that has a huge impact on our health. They are;

1. Physical Health – How well your body functions. To be physically healthy, you need to stay active, eat clean, have a good posture and get enough sleep

2. Mentale Health – Your ability to accept reality and feel good about yourself. To be mentally healthy you need to have a heart of gratitude and be content. Get professional help to deal with other traumatic experiences.

3. Emotional Health – It is an extension of mental health… The state of feeling secure, expressing feelings and moving forward. To be emotionally healthy, you need to be able to bounce back from setbacks and disappointments. 4. Social Health – How well you get on with others and ability to communicate (peer, relatives, friends and strangers). To be socially healthy, you need to go out and relate with other people. Stop isolating yourself

5. Environmental Health – How well you interact with nature. To be environmentally healthy, you need to be aware of earth’s limits, keep your surroundings clean, appreciate nature, conserve energy and recycle.

6. Spiritual Health – Living with a purpose, our values, morals and beliefs. To be spiritually healthy, you need to be at peace with yourself and others, practice compassion and forgiveness.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk 😁. What component of health do you currently pay attention to? Drop your answers in the comment section.


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